New York University film student Chris Cole made Canadian superstar Drake the centerpiece of a short film project for a class. The film depicts an obsessed fanboy so enamored with Drizzy that he concocts a plot to kill the wildly popular rapper.
The folks over at DNAInfo took a deeper look at the film If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late, the same as Drake’s latest album title. The film’s unnamed central character displays an encyclopedic knowledge of all things related to his favorite artist, naming the Young Money standout’s album releases and achievements over the years.
Things start off innocently enough as the protagonist drones on about Drake, but the film gets dark once the character’s iPod dies and he hears voices in his head that the object of his adoration “thinks he’s soft” and didn’t attend his bar mitzvah.
Over the course of the four-minute clip, the spiral from devoted fan to insanity is almost too much to bear. After quoting The Notorious B.I.G.’s line “you’re nobody until somebody kills you,” the character hatches his plot to help Drake go out on top by killing him and erase the bad taste of what he deemed was a poor performance at this year’s Coachella.
Cole tells the FADER that he’s yet to be graded on the project, but that it went over well with his professor.
Check out Chris Cole’s If You’re Reading This It’s Too Late film project below.
Photo: YouTube
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