The unlikely duo of actor Don Cheadle and producer-rapper Black Milk collaborated on a short film by the former, H8DES. This is a part of Vanity Fair's "The Decade Series," which assembled a group of filmmakers to create 10 short films each representing a decade of the last hundred years.
Cheadle's depiction of the 1980s is centered around prevalent topics of the era: Reaganomics, the new technology surge, AIDS, and the crack epidemic.
Black Milk was tasked with scoring the movie. "Don was familiar with my work and reached out to me," the producer said. "He told me he was putting together a short for Vanity Fair and that he needed music for it, so I sent him a few tracks to listen to." From that, Cheadle selected an ominous beat with a Kurtis Blow sample.
Hear that in H8DES below
Photo: YouTube
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